Dual-use technologies
Individual course
Is the dual-use of civilian products for defense purposes good or bad? Who can become a supplier to the defense industry? Is research funding available from the defense sector? Welcome to the studia generalia seminar series led by Research Director Tatu Koljonen, which is open anyone interested in the topic via FITech.
Read more about the course on Aalto University’s website.
Course contents
- General differences of consumer products and defense technology
- Benefits and challenges of dual-use technologies
- Examples of interventions at public sector
Learning outcomes
After the course, students
- know the basic concepts and examples of dual-use technology
- have knowledge of taking dual use into account both from technical and economical viewpoints in the professional life.
Teaching schedule
Lectures on Thursdays 16:15-18 (TU1 Saab Auditorium, Maarintie 8, 02150 Espoo).
Completion methods
To pass the course you have to be participate (physically) to at least 8 lectures and do the assignments. Grading: pass/fail.
Please check the schedule from the Aalto University study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
Responsible teacher
Contact person for applications
Degree student